January has been a busy month including a wonderful few days spent visiting Cairo, Giza, Memphis and Saqqara. I had expected to see crowds of visitors at the Pyramids and Sphinx but was really happy that the experience was quite different. The desert was beautiful and looking across the landscape felt magical and unspoilt. I spent several hours at the Egyptian Museum - another highlight, and incredible that visitors are able to touch so many of the ancient objects.
Giza, Egypt
A major plan for 2019 is to get back into the habit of reading regularly and to take part in different fields of study, and this month I began a 10 week p/t course in field recording and soundscape. I’ve recorded in the past but would like to improve my skills and have a specific project in mind. Two further media courses in the summer look very interesting and I’m hoping I might be able to get a place.
Other news includes a project proposal that myself and four other photographers are putting together. It’s a timely project and it would be great to be able to take it further.
I’m also going to be taking part in the 12th Julia Margaret Cameron Award exhibition in Barcelona’s Gallery Valid Foto in May with a print from my Sea Level series. Not sure yet if I will be going out for the exhibition and associated events. I’ve also been making plans for my solo exhibition this spring which will feature work from two photographic series.