This month has included working on the layout of my forthcoming book with Another Place Press. Iain created an initial layout that was very perceptive and flowed really well. Some of the layout also echoed the connections that I had made between images for the Worthing Museum installation. It has been so good to see the book take shape this month and I’m grateful to Iain for this opportunity.
Also this month I received my copy of the Shutterhub Yearbook 2020 which includes work by 100 contemporary photographers. Happy to be included and there is some lovely work in the publication.
Coldrum Longbarrow, Kent
This month I was able to go out on a photo trip and chose to visit Coldrum Longbarrow in Kent as I’d never been there before. Hopefully I will get another opportunity to go out with the camera before we go back into lock-down, which looks likely. I’ve also been finalising my MA project and starting the process of getting work printed up and framed. The core piece of the project is a short single channel video, but there will also be black and white photographs. Our term has now started up and we have 7 weeks until the end of lectures and tutorials. I hope that my work can be finished and installed without disruption.