At the beginning of February we had the LCC MA Photography Final Exhibition Awards where annual prizes are given. I was very thankful to receive an award from Photomonitor and a commendation from Metro Imaging - many of my closest cohorts also received awards.
Natalie and I deinstalled our work from Offshoot Gallery at the start of the month. We were both invited to talk about our projects at the City & Cripplegate Photographic Society, where Natalie is a member, and the talk took place mid-month. It was a great experience for me to go back through the archives and find repeating obsessions as well as thematic links to my most recent work at LCC. Following my 40 minute zoom talk, I met some of the members in the break-out sessions and enjoyed listening to Natalie talk about her work.
Images from past work which share thematic similarities with my recent MA project England
Earlier this week, all MA students received their assessments/grades which was nerve-wracking and emotional. I was happy and relieved with my own grade and just wished my parents were both here to enjoy the moment with me. The last 15 months seem to have gone so quickly and now it’s time for a new chapter to begin.