A quick post as two months have nearly gone past since the last one. It’s been extremely busy.
In July and August I was out on a couple of shoots to complete the short video and I’m happy to say that it is now completed. It’s the third consecutive video to have been filmed on the Kent coast - I always anticipated making three films there. I may put it online for a short while, I do hope to send it out to some festivals.
In July the Royal Photographic Society announced its shortlisted photographers for the International Photography Exhibition 165 and I was very happy to be included in the list. I have printed up three photographs from the Tangents series and sent them on to the RPS - the final exhibitors are announced in October.
Part of Photo Fringe’s OPEN Eco display on Worthing seafront.
In mid-August there was a get-together on Worthing seafront for the OPEN Eco display, a part of Brighton Photo Fringe. Some of the exhibitors met up with members of Photo Fringe to talk and be interviewed. It was a fun afternoon. The work - which was installed last October - will be in place until this October. The outdoor prints, produced by Metro Imaging, looked incredible after being infront of the sea for almost a year.
Some book related news as well this month. One of my photographs from Disrupted Landscapes has been used for the cover of a Norwegian poetry book ’Overgang til menneske’ by Gunstein Bakke. In English it means Transition to human - a great title.
And announcements have been made for the upcoming launch of Leave to Remain A Snapshot of Brexit - a book by Noni Stacey, published by Lund Humphries. The book explores the role of art, photography, activism and satire in disseminating the debates around Britain leaving the European Union... with striking illustrations by artists, photographers and activists including Cornelia Parker, Wolfgang Tillmans, David Shrigley, Tacita Dean and Jeremy Deller, Cold War Steve and Led By Donkeys. I’m delighted to be included in this important and timely book with some of my photographs and an interview.