December 2012

Unseen Landscape #1 (c) Mandy Williams 2012

In the autumn I took part in Photomonth once again, and this year it included being part of a special screening at Rich Mix in November as part of Photomonth’s Radical London. Riverbed Stories, the series of work that was shown, was produced especially for Photomonth.

I was pleased to have two photographs included in fLIP magazine's 'Routes' issue, which came out in mid November.  The images were from the Unseen Landscapes series and it was the first time they had been published. Work has also found its way into various tumblrs. One called not shaking the grass at featured Lost Voices, which was then re-blogged on many other sites.

The last couple of months I've been busy editing the video I started shooting in August. It will be included in an exhibition that I'll be having in London next Spring. More details to follow.