There’s quite a bit to mention as the last blog post was in July. I’ll start with what’s coming up and then work backwards!
Recent news is that my photograph, Skeletal Forest, is one of twenty images selected for the Photo Fringe 2022 OPEN Eco exhibition to be installed in an outdoor exhibition on Worthing beach from 15 October. The exhibition will remain in place for six months. The selection panel for the Photo Fringe OPEN Eco was Steve Macleod director of Metro Imaging; Elizabeth Grieve from Land Art Agency and artist Emma Critchley. It’s lovely to have the opportunity to show work again in Worthing, where I spent my teenage years and where my parents lived, and where I was lucky enough to have a solo show, A Strange and Familiar Sea, at Worthing Museum and Art Gallery in early 2020.
I’m also taking part in Photo Fringe with Collective 22, a group of photographers that has formed out of the East Meets West Masterclass earlier this year and had a group show in Derby. Our exhibition will be at the Phoenix Art Space along with other Collectives - it’s a huge space! I’m hoping to show my video, Chalk. The opening night for Photo Fringe is 6 October, and it runs until the end of the month. Collective 22 has also been longlisted for Format 2023.
On the weekend of 8/9 October I’ll be joining other members of the Photobook Club Collective at BOP, the annual Books on Photography festival in Bristol. I really enjoyed visiting last year, so it’s great to be taking part this time. I’ll have copies of my zine, Disrupted Landscapes, with me. Our Collective also has a digital exhibition which will be in the foyer of the Royal Photographic Society.
My Disrupted Landscapes zine will also be on display at Serchia Gallery, Bristol on 7 October for READ THE ROOM II, a celebration of self-published books and the artists who create them.
In early August I found out that my Disrupted Landscapes series had been shortlisted for the Emergentes 2022 International Photography Award. It’s an award that is run by a non-profit Cultural Association that organizes Encontros da Imagem – International Festival of Photography and Visual Arts in the city of Braga, Portugal. All the shortlisted artists had four portfolio reviews of their choice in late September, and I really enjoyed showing my work to the 4 reviewers that I met online.
Finally, I have not been able to go back to the coast since late July, however I will be there again this month, trying something new and with a new camera. I am thinking about a new video, and have been researching content - I need a good block of undisturbed writing time as well!
The image above is one of several recent images which have handdrawn black interventions in the landscape. I’m testing this idea out in a couple of different ways and hope to have something to share soon!