Brighton Photo Fringe opened on 6 October and I was pleased that I could be there for the opening night. The Collectives Hub exhibition at Phoenix Arts Space was dynamic and full of strong work. Our Collective 22 display, ‘rivers, signals, miracles’, had been installed by a few of our Collective with help from Photo Fringe and it looked wonderful. I was really happy to see my video Chalk playing as part of the installation. Just before the festival closed, we heard that our Collective 22 show had won the Danny Wilson Memorial Award for group/collective exhibition in the professional category, which was brilliant news!
OPEN Eco displayed on Worthing seafront as part of Photo Fringe.
OPEN Eco opened on Worthing seafront on 15 October and I was able to visit the following Tuesday and see it installed. I like how the installation is so accessible and in keeping with its surroundings. While I was there several people stopped to look at the photographs. There are 20 selected photographers in this display, which is part of Photo Fringe, and the installation will be in place for six months.
At BOP, Books on Photography Festival, Bristol. Our Photo Book Club Collective had a digital exhibition in the entrance of the Royal Photographic Society, as well as copies of our books and zines on display.
The Books on Photography Festival took place on the weekend of 8 and 9 October and it was great to be able to come to Bristol and take part with other members of the Photo Book Club Collective.
We had an impressive digital exhibition in the foyer of the Royal Photographic Society (photo shows my image, Disrupted Landscapes 7), and had copies of our books and zines on display. We were also located in the Martin Parr Foundation with a large book-stacked table. It was a lovely weekend with so many opportunities to talk about photography with artists, printers and publishers.
Back on the Kent coast
In mid October I went back to the Kent coast to shoot some photography and video. I was staying in Deal, so was able to spend the weekend experimenting with new equipment in very different weather conditions. I had hoped to go out on a boat, but the sea was too rough. However, I was able to try it at the end of the month in calmer conditions and it was an exhilarating experience.