Have spent the last couple of months shooting and editing a lot of new material. There are several photography and video projects in production and I hope I'll have an opportunity to show some of them later in the year. It's been great having the extra time to experiment with ideas and develop new themes - and interesting to see how these new themes have become catalysts for some very different projects.
Some of my photographs from the Before series, 2012, were recently featured on Landscape Stories. I really like this photography site that is based in Italy. They are generous with their exposure of photographers and the selected work is frequently different and evocative.
I was really pleased that my short film, Inside, was recently selected for the Gaze film season opening programme at Artists' Television Access, San Francisco. ATA is an artist-run, non-profit organization that cultivates and promotes culturally-aware, underground media and film and its Gaze film series is dedicated to screening independent film and video made by women. The seven selected films for the opening programme all address the subject of 'home' from 'the experimental unearthing and reassembly of family history to the voyeuristic gaze into the bedroom windows of strangers to the dreamlike Turkish beach resorts that offer a "home away from home". It's a diverse and interesting examination of home - if you're in San Francisco it takes place on 17 May.